Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) have been identified as the two most backward groups of Indian Society. They include all the castes, races or tribes, which have been socially, economically and educationally backward. The cell has been established to support and to bring students from such communities in the main stream. The SC/ST cell of the college was established in 2016 with the purpose to empower the SC/ST students in the college.
The following are the members of the SC/ST Cell constituted in the college for the welfare of SC/ST students during the year 2024-25.
1. Dr. Johnson V. (Principal) - Convener
2. Ms. Anju Merin Shaji - Co-ordinator
3. Mr. Tomson Joseph - Member
3. Ms. Sreedevi Gopal - Member
4. Mr. Manu T. Francis - Member
5. Mr. V.G. Manojkumar -(Office Superintendent)