The college has a very dynamic ingenious quality assurance cell that is duty bound to assess, evaluate and direct the faculty and staff in developing and executing novel methods in the acquisition and imparting of knowledge. It plays a pivotal role in the enhancement of the quality of the teachers by ensuring different self improvement courses and by helping them in their search for academic excellence. It is the honor and duty of IQAC to submit reports of self appraisal to the NACC. It oversees the enhancement of the institution, both external and internal.
The college invariably and inevitably has a mission and vision statement, that respects the overall expectation of the stake holders.
The college has developed its own policy parameters, to evaluate assess and implement different programmes. It is rooted in its vision of the development of culture and cultural values, with a stress on quality. The college develops a well planned strategy for the continuous enhancement of the teaching learning process. The strategies and policies have a formal status and they are made available to the public and the stakeholders.
The college sees to it that the teaching staff are qualified competent and well – equipped to the acquisition and imparting of knowledge. They are assessed and asked to make self-appraisals and have to enhance their commitment to the acquisition of knowledge.
Follow-up procedures: consistent follow –up procedures ensure that the recommendations are implemented on time, and subsequent action plans also are envisaged
IQAC Policies |
Resource mobilization policy | Click here to view |