Department of Tourism Studies

Diploma in Computerized Accounting

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Diploma in Computerized Accounting

Computerized accounting is a diploma course to study computerized accounting in depth in a shorter period of time. It offers basic advanced knowledge of computerized accounting to shape the future of the students. The course curriculum ensures to provide an aspirant, deeper knowledge of the subject. In this Competitive world, Diploma in computerized accounting is interpreted to uplift the computer knowledge of our children and make them excel in this Computer Era and it creates a new job opportunity along with their degree.

Aim and Objectives

  1. The main aim and objective of computerized Accounting provide job opportunities in the field of accountant, cashier etc.
  2.  To help students acquire advanced knowledge in computer application 
  3. To equip students with technological skills and helps in the development of office skill. ï‚· To ensure employability among students. ï‚· Help the students to acquire specialized skills, knowledge and attitude to work in accounting field.

Course Syllabus




Course Title




Communicative English



Tour Guiding & Escort Management






Front Office Management & Housekeeping Operations /

Logistics Management



Computerized Accounting II




Hours: 35

  • Understand the mechanism of general and academic writing
  • To assist students to develop increased reading efficiency.
  • Communicate effectively and accurately in English.


Module I

Active & Passive Listening - Barriers To Listening – CV- Biodata- Speaking Skills - Nonverbal Communication - Soft - Skills

Module II

Writing as a Skill - Mechanism of Writing - Paragraph as a Unit of Structuring a Whole Text - Business Writing - Creative Use Of Writing - Making Requests - Inviting And Apologizing Skills Conversational Skills.



Hours: 35 Objectives:

  • Explain significance of a tour guide
  • Developing tour conducting skills
  • Prepare for emergency situations


Module I

Tour Guide- Itineraries - Preparation Of Itineraries -Types Of Itineraries -Tour Planning - Negotiation & Relationship With Vendors - Travel Insurance - Travel Documents - - Tour Escort - Functions And Qualities Of Tour Escort

Module II

The Concept of Tour Cost - Components of Tour Cost- Fixed and Variable - Tourist Activities Based On Mountains, Deserts, Forest and Wildlife - Prepare Tour Packages


Hours: 35 Objectives:

  • Understand the basics of Accounting
  • Explain accounting concepts
  • Prepare journals, ledgers
  • Prepare accounts using TALLY software


Module I

Introduction to accounting - Meaning and Definition- Function - Objectives of Accounting - Book - keeping and accounting Basic Accounting terms.

Module II

Theory Basis of Accounting- Accounting Concept - Accounting Principles - Accounting Standards.

Module III

Origin and Records of Transaction- Accounting Equation – Rules of Debit and Credit-Journal –Journalizing and Journal entry – Banking transaction – Ledger – Posting – Balancing of account - Sub division of Journal – Cash book – Purchase Book – Sales Book Journal Proper.

Module IV

Preparation of Trail Balance-Financial Statement – Trading Account – Profit and Loss Account – Balance Sheet – Final Account with Adjustment – Bank Reconciliation.




Hours: 35


  • To have a thorough understanding on front office management and its roles.
  • To study bout the dealing of reservations, pre arrival procedures and guest stay.


Module 1

Sections and layout of Front Office, Organizational chart of front office department (small, medium and large hotels). Role of Front Office

Module 2

Introduction to House Keeping, Importance & Functions of Housekeeping, Guest satisfaction- Co-ordination with other Departments- Layout of House Keeping Department- Sections of the housekeeping department- Organization CHART of Housekeeping Department

Hours: 35 Objectives:

  • Understand the basics of GST
  • Explain accounting concepts
  • Prepare journals, ledgers
  • Prepare accounts using TALLY software


Module I

Introduction to Computerized Accounting - Features of Tally ERP9 - Company Creation – Selecting and Altering a Company - Deleting a Company.

Module II

Accounts and Voucher – Account Group – Ledger creation – single and multiple – displaying, Altering and deleting ledger accounts – accounting Vouchers.

Module III

Accounts With Inventory – Inventory Vouchers - Stock Group – Stock Item - Units of measure – Stock Summary – Inventory Books. Accounting With Tax – GST – Types of GST – Computing GST – GST reports – GST Forms.